Lesson 45 - What If Post US Civil War Reconstruction Was A Success Part 4 - Ghosts of the South

Here we are...the end of our 4 part series, What If Post US Civil War Reconstruction Was A Success! The Reconstruction era was the period in American history which lasted from 1863 to 1877. It was a significant chapter in the history of American civil rights.


Here we are...the end of our 4 part series, What If Post US Civil War Reconstruction Was A Success!  

The Reconstruction era was the period in American history which lasted from 1863 to 1877. It was a significant chapter in the history of American civil rights.  Reconstruction ended the remnants of Confederate secession and abolished slavery, making the newly freed slaves citizens with civil rights ostensibly guaranteed by three new constitutional amendments


We highly recommend that you download parts 1, 2 and 3 before listening to part 4

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